Best Practices

From Theory to Practice: Roma Youth Empowerment for Active Citizenship

The publication “From Theory to Practice: Roma Youth Empowerment for Active Citizenship” addresses a key issue of adult education in Europe: How to develop quality educational methods and approaches, as well as structures of adult education for Roma and non-Roma with a strong focus on empowerment and active citizenship in order to enhance civic and social skills to challenge stereotypes, antigypsyism and racism. The publication compiles theoretical expertise on Roma youth, empowerment, active citizenship and adult education on racism, antigypsyism and human rights issues, as well as a wide range of practices, methods and activities. Thus, the publication invites practitioners, activists and decision-makers to reflect about effective adult education strategies with and for Roma and non-Roma youth. The authors highlight the need for a strong empowerment, inclusion and self-organization dimension. The practices offer new and innovative ideas that can inspire other organizations and practitioners in this field.

This publication is a result of the Learning Partnership “Roma Youth Empowerment for Active Citizenship” of the partner organizations Amaro Foro e.V. (Germany), RGDTS nonprofit kft (Hungary), Roma Onlus (Italy), Youth Network for Development (Bulgaria) and Roma Education Centre (Slovakia), which was supported by the Grundtvig Lifelong Learning programme of the European Commission.


With the financial support of the Grundtvig Learning Partnership programme in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Commission.